Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Maybe it's because I'm the proud new owner of these......

but I managed to bust out 10.75 miles last Saturday. Miracles do happen. :)

HUGE Realization

Two Saturdays ago I finally got up enough oomph and went for a long run. It only ended up being 7 miles. Yes, that is a long run these days. Since December I have been telling myself I was going to run the SLC Marathon this year. Even though training has been less than stellar, ummm way less than stellar, I still had managed to convince myself that I could still do it. However, when I ran that seven miles two Saturdays ago and nearly killed myself, I realized that there is NO WAY I'm going to be able to do the marathon. Just NO WAY. Am I disappointed in myself, TOTALLY. But I've got to move forward.

So, here's to rockin the half, and being more motivated in the future!