Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mind Body Spirit Strong.

This is my mantra when things get tough on a run. I was all about the mental preparations when I trained for my first marathon over a year and a half ago. I have run two other marathons since that first one and have totally forgotten about all my mental tricks that I learned. Yesterday on my 20 mile run, in preparation for Top Of Utah, I had a very very tough run. It forced me to remember all the mental things I used to do back in the day. For the first time in my life, I thought I might just be having an asthma attack. It was so weird. I had to totally stop and calm myself down. After that, I just couldn't get my breathing right and I could hardly speak to my running buddy Kristi I was so out of breath. So I started using chanting my mantra in my mind. Mind, Body, Spirit Strong. I didn't love my run, but I loved that I was forced to think about all of my mental strategies I was so into long ago. I'm going to make better use of them in the future. Here's to a better long run next week and the power of the mind!


Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Here is to finishing a TOUGH 20 miler. Food work buddy

ihaverun said...

Way to finish!! My 20 miler was tough too! Mel told me to drop in and that you are running TOU. Have you run it before? It will be my first marathon (unless I chicken out after last night's 20 miler).

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

UM UPDATE??? Please.. And check in with Candice, she is a newbie to the MArathon and would love some guidance..

FYI Giveaway on the Blog today..

Hugs!! Email or text..