My friend had these pieces of cloth that you can print on and then iron them on your shirt. So she made me this iron on piece for my shirt. Thanks Lois!
It's go time. I leave today. Less than 48 hours now until the gun goes off!!!
I can't believe race day is almost here!
It looks great. Thank goodness for friends!
Hello... right now you're running the marathon! Bet your glad the marathon wasn't here in the Seattle area where it is currently SNOWING! Well, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and cheering for you, can't wait to hear all the details! Hope your body is holding up and that you coast through those last 5 miles!! Yay ANG!!
You are AMAZING!!!!! I feel like even though we've only met face to face once, that I've known you forever! I am so proud of you for running through the hellish conditions on Saturday!
Thank you for your continued kindness. You're the bomb-diggity!
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