Saturday, February 23, 2008

11 Miles

I went down to the hometown today to run with my S.I.L Lindsay. AKA: Lindser, Linserelli. She runs with a marathon training group that has aide stations all set up. Too fun. We ran at a slower pace for me, and a faster pace for her. When it was all said and done, our average mile time was 10:57 miles per hour. I think it was good for me to slow down a little bit, even though at times I was wanting to push forward faster. I felt pretty good, aches and pains would come and go the whole run. It's kinda funny how that works. We would stop at the aid stations, get some water, stretch if needed and continue. I'm not used to stopping. I don't think my knees liked that. There were feeling tight and after our last stop, they didn't recover. For some reason my shoulders tightened up so much the last mile. That was the worst part. However, the scenery was beautiful. We ran along a river, by fields, cows, horses, and even an emu farm. Crazy. It was so fun to be able to do a long training run with Linds. She was having some hamstring troubles the whole time, poor thing. We were pretty proud of ourselves when we finished!!

Udate on my shoes: I ended up taking back the New Balance shoes. I also took back the Addidas Supernovas I bought during the week. I ended up finding a pair of shoes like the ones I'm currently wearing on line. It's kind of a miracle since they are a model that was new two years ago and is no longer being made. I hope that this internet company is the real deal and they get here soon!!! (Saucony Triumph 3)


Kelly(M&M) said...

What a fun race report! That is so cool that you ran with Lindsay. Sometimes it is worth it to change your pace a little to run with a good friend. (Ask Sarah, she does it all the time, ha ha!) I am glad you were able to find the shoes you love online. Sorry the New Balance didn't work out. Everybody's feet are different, that's for sure. I love hearing updates from you. You are doing so awesome! Keep the reports coming. I am bummed you aren't coming down here for the 30k, but congrats to your hubby. What an exciting time.


Kelly(M&M) said...

I forgot to mention, I am not a stopper-to-drink-water. It is harder on my body to stop and start again. It hurts my knees and it messes with my heart rate. I know it works for some people, but not for me! You just gotta figure out the best strategy for yourself. That's what long runs are for-trial and error before the marathon!

Anonymous said...

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