Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday, Tuesday, I went to the gym right after Gage got out to school. I was rushing the kids to get to the gym on time for their scheduled time in the daycare. We got there on time and I went to go to the locker room and realized I had on my regular everyday shoes, not at all shoes that should be worked out in. UGGGGGGHHH. So I just made the most of my time there and walked and the treadmill for 30 minutes, climbed the stair machine for 10, and then worked my core a little. I guess that was my cross training day for the week. :)

On Monday I ran 3.25 miles on the treadmill speeding up the last 1.25 miles.

1 comment:

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

I have had training days where I have everything I need in my workout bag except my shoes. So what I do now is leave my old running shoes at work so I am never without. Maybe leave an old pair in the car your regularly drive...might help..

Good job going to the are one tough cookie..
