Wednesday, March 26, 2008

8 miles

I had a good, but cold run outside tonight. The only problem was the route I took had me stopping to cross streets way to much! And about half way through I had to go to the bathroom and so I chose to go into the Whole Foods Grocery store as apposed to the AMPM across the street. Turns out there was a line at the grocery store and I swear it took 10 minutes. As a bonus though, there were drinking fountains right next to the bathrooms. :)


kelly said...

i'm really impressed by your determination in making your dream a reality.
you are such an inspiration!

Kelly(M&M) said...

You are doing awesome! Keep it up!

Michelle said...

Good luck with the upcoming 20 mile run... hopefully the weather is decent this weekend so you don't have to run in the cold/rain. Last thing you need is to catch a cold right before the big race! But then again, you've been training so much, your immune system is probably really strong right now. That's the great thing about working out... makes you healthier all around.

Anonymous said...

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